Originally Posted by IDZRVIT
.....if it is related to a failure. Just thought I'd finish your sentence so noone starts spreading misinformation over the internet. 
This is not misinformation as I post nothing without the facts to back it up. The issue lies in the oil pan being lowered due to the spacer. I was informed of this by (1) a service manager with whom I have been working for more than 10 years and who has professional Nissan experience in service and racing since the Datsun days and (2) a sales manager with whom I have been working for more than 5 years -- he too has experience with Nissan service, sales and racing since the Datsun days. Feel free to confirm the oil pan spacer issue.
The oil plan spacer is risky -- if you ever have an issue after installing one, the burden of proof will fall heavily on you that it was nort the culprit or at least a contributor. For the marginal and I mean VERY marginal improvement in cooling the extra quart provides, it is not worth it. Get an oil cooler.