Originally Posted by wstar
Anyone have technical details about accessing some of these values on the canbus (specific addresses / modes / PIDs / whatever)? ...
I did some researching about a year ago but got frustrated by the lack of free data for the non-standard PIDs (most, if not all, modes above $0A are proprietary). Most of the info is available but it is quite expensive - too much for a hobbyist. You can find most of my results at the link in my sig.
If you look through Knio's source code, you can find the Mode/PIDs he is using.
During my research, I got the feeling that some of the CAN-to-computer I/Fs were not made for "exploring" the CAN bus. They massage the data and will sometimes not pass certain messages. Not sure this is actually true. Apparently, the I/F Knio is using works well.
Edit: PS: As far as I can tell, mode and PID addresses are always given in hex.