Originally Posted by dcrew1x
You live really close to where I used to live.
I grew up in Garden Grove but live in Irvine now.
I'm currently in Georgia due to the military, but will move back in January.
I was in Irvine for 5+yrs too... still visit friends there every week. We should meet up sometime when you return.
Originally Posted by Triple's
Welcome! and Congrats on the new ride! your going to be looking for excuses to drive the Z all over the place. 
It's my only ride, so no excuses needed
Originally Posted by phelan
Nice, I used to live in Pomona, and now I pass through Anaheim on my way to work...
And oddly enough, I noticed a bunch before I took delivery, but now they've all disappeared 
Maybe you'll see me on your commute now.
Originally Posted by george