Originally Posted by Xplicit97
Its one of those situations where if you give them an inch they'll take a mile.. Our rights and freedoms are being encroached upon on a daily basis, more aggressively with every passing day, tactics like these are used to show that we know our rights and can't be intimidated or broken down to just "get in line" I hope nobody feels my viewpoints are breaching the code of conduct here, as I am not discussing politics merely rights.
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I am 100% ok with what you're saying, but I feel like I see both sides, in THIS instance, if you don't give them that inch, they may TAKE a mile, (again by taking a once or twice over of your car) if that's a risk you're willing to take, go for it, me, I'm not, I'm not going to risk getting a BS ticket because I don't want to answer a few questions