Originally Posted by eastwest2300
Hey Kenchan and Jar, thanks for the insight on removing those emblems, thank you guys!
no problem, EW. hope it works out for ya.
LOL'ed @ mr.alcheng.
Originally Posted by blackcherry20
Hi guyz!
hi msbc!
Originally Posted by happytheman
Wifey is feeling like getting some Mexican food tonight. I can't tell you how hard it is for me to have Mexican and not just get whatever I want. If only it were my cheat day.
I got the grilled salmon with steamed vegetables and rice.

mr.happy that's great you got your diet under control.
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
Im sure brother, I have my demons too, I've bitten my nails all my life, I would looooooove to kick the habit, and its all mental, its just hard, and it seems impossible.
funny i use to bite my nails while playing piano cause i was too f-king fat and lazy to grab the nail clippers.

and it ended up becoming a habit i would carry for like 15-20yrs.
then one day, i just decided i didnt want my fingers to look like shitt, so like how i kick other habits, i just decided im going to stop. and just stopped.
my nails look pretty good. i think luna would be proud. lol