I had planned on a series of detailed posts on my spring, spacer, and camber install but decided to just boil it down to this: Took over a week, broke a shock, Swifts rock.
But seriously...Swifts are amazing. How a spring can soak up road imperfections one minute and keep the wheels on the ground as I dive hard in to and out of a corner the next is a thing of beauty. I didn't mind the stock springs (sport) until cornering. Any kind of imperfection in the road and I felt like a jumping bean.
I also installed SPC/Eibach rear camber arms and toe bolts but I did not bore out the lower control arm to add additional range. The shop was able to get my alignment within factory specs without it which was good.
This week is going to be a good week for presents! I have my
Passport 9500ix radar detector (red LEDs of course), 40th Anniversary plaque (thanks Darkpath!), and new clutch helper spring (thanks LMBmikeZ!) all coming!
*Edit: Stuff came!

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