Originally Posted by kidkotic2001
That is why you pack yourself, never leave home without it. I live in Texas.
Hell ya similar situation although the dude just cut me off the after I asked wtf he's was doing he proceeds to do the whole pull over Muthfukr and all that which I did I was given no chance the dude kept throwing his car at mine and wouldent back off I really tried to avoid contact. He stopped quick and got outta his car with a beer bottle <--- go figure lol . Anyway once I saw the bottle either going at the z or my head couldn't really tell I pulled the SIG out and that stopped really quickly never thought if ever have to pull out my gun on someone. But I knew I wasent in the wrong and was scared for my life ( dude was massive tattooed Hispanic man). Anyway I calmly told him I felt threatened and I was going to shoot and he quickly scrambled back to his car wether to get a gun or run idk but I took off outta there like a bat outta hell . And he chased me for a bit but c'mon he was in mustang he dident stand a chance

anyway I LOVE TEXAS and hate ridiculous drunks
Oh yeah and allways carry. Better to have it and not need it that need it and not have it!