O2 sensor backups have been recommended for a couple years now. With the latest round of guys getting headers done, it's come back to the forefront with so many guys busting their O2 sensors. 2010 and below use different pre cat O2 sensors than 2011's and up. Biggest issue I ran in to is the guys who extended my O2 wires crossed some of the connections (also flip flopped the locations; Precat was in J tube, post cat was in free stream)... I went through 3 sensors before figuring out what they did. I don't believe you have to extend the sensors on these correct? Other common issues are stripping the threads or damaging the sensors it's self just trying to remove it through brute force or air tools. If you or a shop is doing these, make sure they are removed before attacking it with air tools.
Old Car:GTM TSC'd 550whp / 410lbft tq @ 11.88PSI
New Car: Under Construction
