Originally Posted by cab83_750
I fill up when I hit a qtr left. 3 decades of driving and never ran out of gas.
Never go low:
1. If you ever get stuck in traffic, u r dead.
2. Ever get called on an emergency and find out you are low on gas? Every minute counts and you don't want to to be looking at a gas station.
3. Ever lost in a bad neighborhood?
4. Ever with your love ones in the middle of the night and you are in between cities?
5. Anyone remember the California Northridge earthquake? All gas stations were down! You can have all the $ in the world but no gas to buy. I am sure other states have had calamities where $ is worthless.
I was just going to say, I 've never forgotten the Loma Prieta quake that shut down the Central Coast gas stations for a day or two. (that's the one that happened during the World Series game) I never like to go below about 1/3 of a tank.