Originally Posted by luigi90210
how would it not help with congestion?
if there are 18k motorcyclists in LA and lane splitting was not legal
would you want 18k more vehicles out on the roads as opposed to having them lane split their way off so they are out of the way and they can get home faster and there are less vehicles out on the road to prevent you from getting from where you need to be? and congestion is not the only reason why it became legal, it was also proven in studies that lane splitting prevents accidents regarding motorcyclists and distracted drivers and deaths of motorcyclists went down since lane splitting became legal
im sorry if this comes off as offensive but if you were paying attention to the roads and checking your mirrors, you would not be startled by motorcyclists lane splitting and what you're doing is in fact illegal(its called impeding traffic)
honestly you sound like one of those ignorant cagers who hate the fact that motorcyclists can just pass you while you're stuck in traffic sitting there
Sometimes paying attention doesn't help when you have some dumbass kid doing 100 plus and lane splitting through traffic like alot of them do here in California