Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
Well my weekend was great... because i take the front lip that i buy (sun line replica front lip) to my paint shop and they start working on them to get fitted to my 2013 Z. here are some pics of the lip presented in my car and the place that he have to work... sorry for the quality lool i have to use a radio and some blocks to hold the lip...
2013-08-14 08.09.44 by carlitos_sti, on Flickr
20130812_180256 by carlitos_sti, on Flickr
20130812_180304 by carlitos_sti, on Flickr
I know that he have a lot of work to do but i know he are going to accomplish
For me looks great!!! i can wait to install them lool!!

your cute dog had to put a butt shot in there, huh?