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Old 08-17-2013, 08:55 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: New Jersey
Age: 75
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Jimc is on a distinguished road

It is not a question of being lazy, but a question of safety and convenience. Not only is it a PITA to sit and hold the button for 20 seconds while the top retracts, but it is a distraction while you are sitting there in gear. Yes, you could move it to neutral, but again is the brake on or off, are you rolling, are people waiting for your space so cars are collecting around you.

Now, think about driving... you have the top down, sprinkles start on the windshield, your at a light. Do you start to put the top up. I don't, I wait for the light to change and then pull over to the side of the road, put the top up and then merge back into traffic. Wouldn't it be safer to just start the top going up, if the light changes you move forward at 20 to 25 mph while the top completes it movement.

I know it 6 of 1 and 1/2 dozen of the other, but just because it convenient does not mean your lazy. This module also leads the way to other mods, like a rain sensor to put your top up with the car off and unattended.

I have had verts for the past 40 years or so, this is the first one where you had to be at a complete stop to put the top up. Never had a problem with any of the others so I would not expect this one to be any different.

Regards and just my .02 worth on at least having the option, YMMV,

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