Inspirational Tunes?
Today I ran the A/V for our medical school’s “big brother & sister” PowerPoint presentation. The 2nd year med students selected a song to go w/ their self description in a show for the 1st year students (45 of them). Included was a quote to inspire the new students. I couldn’t help to be inspired by some of the songs & words of these “kids” who will be doctors a few years from now.
What would you select for an inspirational tune for such an occasion?
Rocky: ‘Eye of the Tiger’
Tom Petty - 'Refugee'
‘Fall Down’ with Will.I.Am feat and Miley Cyrus
‘Heavy Metal’ (Takin' A Ride)
Queen – ‘We Will Rock You’
Newer ones are what I heard today but oldies rock hard. What describes you?