So, I really do not want to pay Z1 $120~ for 2 hoses, and god bless my buddy (ZBrah) for buying me the set of other hoses I wanted (SOB better let me pay him for them)
Anyways, on eBay, they sell these hoses, no brand, 3 ply (Z1 says that theirs are 4 ply and HPS says theirs are 3 ply as well)
Does anyone have an experience with them?
YES I DO realize these are probably made in China, yada, yada, whatever.
So please don't tell me they're shítty, I know they're budget, but they're hoses, they don't DO anything really...
And yes, I see that in the description it says "may require cutting" or whatever, but a lot of peoples' Z1 post MAF tubes needed shaving too... So... Yeah
Sorry for the long post