would i need a tune
Mods please move if this is in the wrong section
I am sure this has come up before but i would like to get some insight on my specific mods/future mods
right now i am in the market for some test pipes, my current engine mod is a Fujita Replica intake(one for the G37, short ram intake, MAF ID changed from stock 2.34in to 2.5in and the rest of the pipe is 2.75in), I want to get test pipes with O2 Spacers built in
I was wondering if i need a tune to run this combination since the intake changes MAF ID, or if i could keep on stock tune without worrying about running too lean since i am already leaned out from the stock 10:1 AFR to 12.5-12.7:1 AFR(got these numbers via ECU and torque pro for android)
Thanks in advance
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