Originally Posted by kenchan
 ok. been trying to sell this crib/baby bed in like-new condition for a while. 

GL finding a buyer. Lots of people having babies right now.
Originally Posted by kenchan
so just for fun i was checking out the latest gen accord lowered/wheeled picts. some of them look real good.
but the sad part is that brakes are tiny, only 190hp or something 4banger for 6MT, and it's fwd.  to have a car look fast but slow... nnnnn...
the other option is to get the v6, but with AT only...
not very realistic for me. honestly, starting to give me a headache.
I will need to buy a new DD soon. So far I'm all over the place with my choices. I can either do cheap hatch (15-20K) vs nice midsize/fun (20-25k). I'm leaning toward cheap hatch just because I don't need too nice of a car. Nice car means I'll baby it and then I have nothing to drive