Originally Posted by Haboob
I hate when they drive their golf carts on main roads and don't move over. 

ok, now that's funny.
Originally Posted by NissanGuy23
This weekend the bikers (pedal bikes) were really pissing me off. I was driving on some backroads for fun on Sunday, and the roads arnt that wide, without bikers, it can be tight getting the Z through when there is an SUV coming the other way. When you ad bikers, its flat out dangerous. You need to pass them quick before you get into a head on, and you cant see who's coming because of all the turns. And many times, the bikers are in the middle of the lane (not off to the right) and don't get over to the right when i come up on them, like they own the road. It was really starting to irritate me. They act like they own the road and I'm in their way.
yah, i hate bicycle ridors too.

i have a lot of them in the wooded area where i take my Z out on weekend drives. most of them ride single file, but you always have these hotshotmofo's with their big muscular bodies thinking they can ride in the center of the road and not yield to traffic or obey traffic signs.
they really need to make bicycle ridors to pay insurance and have special licenses if they are going to ride on public roads.