Originally Posted by Haboob
** Warning: Language **
I used to try to be polite, but no one returns the favors, so I've given up. If you want to merge and you're not up to speed: **** you. You wait until the lane is ending to merge: **** you. If traffic is moving slow and you want over, because you think MY lane is moving faster (which it isn't): **** you.
 I hate traffic anymore. I hate driving, unless I can at least go 70mph.
and people who drive in the passing lane... that aren't passing, or are going slower than the lanes to their right, or that keep a gigantic distance between them and the vehicle in front of them
also i don't get why people feel the need to change lanes immediately at a freeway merger... all that does is cause traffic to pile up. it's already going to go slower because of the merger but people trying to swap lanes doesn't help. maybe go like a quarter mile further before trying to change lanes?
my list can go on and on
lots of little things that cause traffic inefficiencies...