Originally Posted by XiP
I "take over the road" in all my vehicles due to road rage :/
usually when I leave the house i'm smiling and everything is fine and by the time i get to my destination im shaking and want to strangle something
** Warning: Language **
Originally Posted by JARblue
I enjoy being polite while driving - letting other people merge, giving pedestrians the right of way, yielding to people turning in front of me in traffic. However, I have to balance that with my hate of people who don't pay attention to their driving or others around them and my habit of driving 10 mph over the speed limit.
If you're driving too timidly, I'm probably not going to stop to let you pull out in front of me.
If you're driving like an a$$hat in traffic, I'm probably not going to make the effort to get out of your way (I probably want to drive faster than you anyway).
I will make aggressive maneuvers when I have plenty of room to put distance between myself and other idiot drivers who I'm not interested in being behind, adjacent to, or anywhere near (like if I see you on a fucking cell phone). My goal on the highway is typically to find a big gap in the traffic and set cruise control. I drive the side streets a lot during my daily commute to avoid traffic as much as possible.
I used to try to be polite, but no one returns the favors, so I've given up. If you want to merge and you're not up to speed: **** you. You wait until the lane is ending to merge: **** you. If traffic is moving slow and you want over, because you think MY lane is moving faster (which it isn't): **** you.

I hate traffic anymore. I hate driving, unless I can at least go 70mph.