Odd Issue: S-Mode and A/C
I started noticing my car acting funky today with the A/C running. For a long time I never liked running the A/C since it kills throttle response making it difficult to get smooth shifts. After getting test pipes, the response got better so it wasn't as laggy.
However, today I notice the throttle is acting funky. When I depress the clutch pedal and change gears, the throttle blips and holds for a little bit. I know S-Mode helps with upshifts, but the timing was so odd I had trouble getting smooth shifts. Once I turned off S-Mode, I was able to get smooth upshifts without the weird pre-mature throttle blipping.
Even without the A/C running, I'm starting to notice S-Mode not holding revs properly or at all. In between shifts, the RPM drops way too quickly, which jerks the car. I try to manually hold the revs by keeping my foot lightly on the throttle or rev it higher before switching gears.
All of this started happening the past few days.