Thread: Missing Boost
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Old 08-09-2013, 03:43 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sh0velMan View Post
And I refuse to use a different acronym for BOV simply to differentiate between recirc and non-recirc. :P
lol, you're not alone with that one XD

i use to do the same all the time but i kept getting corrected by friends so i started using BPV and BOV

Originally Posted by Mike@GTM View Post
Since the supercharger is driven by the belt, the rpm of the supercharger is dictated by engine rpm regardless of throttle position. Therefore, at small throttle angles, the supercharger is trying to push air into the engine against the throttle. Since the bypass valve operates on the differential pressure between the intake manifold and the pressure in the pipe, it will be open when the manifold is seeing vacuum while the pipe is pressurized. This condition will occur at idle and at low throttle angles. Once the throttle is opened enough, the manifold will see pressure and so will the pipe. In that case, the bypass valve will close since the differential pressure will not be high enough to overcome the spring inside the bypass valve.

A turbocharger's rpm, however, is dictated by exhaust flow. At low rpm and/or low throttle angles, there is insufficient exhaust gas flow to spin the turbocharger fast enough to develop boost. Therefore, the pressure in the charge pipe will not be significantly higher than the pressure in the intake manifold and the bypass valve will remain closed.

I hope that clears things up for you.
ok im still a bit confused about it but i get the basic idea, so even though the valve is the same internally, it will function differently on a supercharger setup vs a turbo setup?

could you in theory have a BPV designed for a turbo to work with a supercharger assuming everything fits? or would you need a different valve?
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