Originally Posted by DarkJak
Is it possible for them to tune the traction control using Uprev? I'd personally love to reduce the time that VDC cuts power. Feels like about a full second where to car bogs down sometimes, and it's always settled back after at most half a second.
I would like to TOTALLY disable this f-ing useless feature. Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard that it still remains active to some degree even when you deactivate it. Maybe...just maybe I would use it if my tires were wore out and it is raining so much I could barley see and I had to get to where I am going in a hurry. I get so f-ing mad when I forget to deactivate it and I punch the throttle out of 1st gear in a slow roll...makes me look like a

Is it possible to completely get rid of this feature with UpRev?