Originally Posted by danelonson
I have been running with the washers mod for the last 4 months and love the sound however, i have noticed that the mile range indicator under the led lights got allot less accurate. Before the washer mod it was somewhat accurate now it's way off. Sometimes goes down then up i can't rely on it anymore. My question is why does the exhaust leak cause this?
Unless you put a bunch of washers in there it shouldn't make that much difference. My money is on the guys that are saying your driving habits changed.
I tried the washer trick but it was blowing hot gas on the wiring going to the wheel speed sensors (especially on the left side) so I took the washers out. Had some tees fabricated and installed at the muffler inlets. Also installed some turn downs on the branches (pointed slightly toward the front of the car). The hole for the tee branch is ~3/4" and works well to give me some feedback in the cabin without being too loud outside.