Originally Posted by Z_ealot
if you knew how fontana nissan operated you would not be saying that...in my experience one of the best nissan dealers that actually takes care of their customers.....and andrew i seriously hope they can cut you some type of deal, thats some pretty f'ed up stuff going on there in your engine
I think he was referring to the previous stealership, not Fontana.
Side note: I have seen first hand what a small nut can do to the inside of an engine. When I was back in high school screwing with my CJ5's carb I put the air cleaner nuts on the post. Well one jumped off & in a mater of <10 seconds went thru the carb, intake into at least 3 cyls as I found parts of it in cyl 1, 3 & it had cracked cyl 4. Hoping it was just a scratch, put it all back together only to make eggnog (coolant & oil mixture) in the oil pan . Man that sucked but the fun did not end there

Sent the block out & they thought it was a scratch too. Then they said we magnfluxed it, it's good to go

Put all back together & gee whiz it was a crack

after a trip to small claims, they paid me to have someone else rebuild & install the motor. I wasn't about too lose all my time I had installing the motor when I told them it wasn't fixed