Originally Posted by synolimit
Well I agree with them not moving much because they don't move under wot. When the motor rocks back under load it stays there. The MAF should see no change. Now during a shift or let off, yes, there should be huge swing in the pipe because the motor relaxed. Unless you're seeing voltage changes on the street and messing things up, ill never know. I don't do dyno's. they are pointless to me and I hate them. I use road dyno software that can calculate the weight of the car, aero dynamics, wheel diameter size, tire size, looks at wot, speed, rpm, etc etc and can tell you a real, true hp and tq since it can calculate the time it took you to go from say 2000 rpm to 7500 rpm. Its actually accurate because you have real wind pushing against you, ambient temps and not 300 degree dyno rooms, and real world roads. Only thing you must do is get all the info right, wheels, weight, etc. also find a flat road and dyno in both directions and average runs for a correct hp and tq. Normally these run like or lower than a mustang but is proven with 1/4 times and trap speeds.
Thanks for the heads up though. We'll watch the volts.
Dynos are not pointless. They provide a method for quanitifying engine output meaningfully. Poor interpretations of their readings abound, but they are far from pointless.
So long as they are clamped down, it should be fine.
Any interest in buying my MAF tubes so as not to have to hack up your airboxes? I can provide pictures later if you might be interested. They are
exactly what you will have to create on your own...
EDIT: I have better pictures somewhere on my computer, but here's an example of one of them (don't think I have the filters anymore)
Its the exact same pieces you will have to cut from your own airboxes. These are already cut and sanded. Make me an offer and they're yours.