Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
I know but when you enjoy clean your car its easy lol!! Btw Thanks brother
im not fan too... but my plan its to buy a cheaper lip because my car its a daily driver and the streets here in Puerto Rico are soo fck up.... I think the moon have less holes than our streets hahahaha!!! and the other reason that I want a cheaper lip its because in the future I want a bodykit... and I like too muche the Amuse  soo for now that what I want  .... ohhh I for got my car its a 2013... and you know that I cant buy a lip with out make the fitment first lol!!! if I buy the replica Ing+1 front lip and they fit trust me im going to buy the real one but in carbon fiber 
lol'ed @ moon has less holes.

i remember driving out in detroit and their expressway had craters, not pot holes.
ahhh, true, with the 13's would need to do some cutting and stuff to fit. i think Varis or someone made a front lip that actually looked pretty good.
im glad you're not going the HomeDepot garden trim approach...