Originally Posted by kenchan
ahh, car washing is a pita, but all worth it at the end.  happy b-day to your friend. 
I know but when you enjoy clean your car its easy lol!! Btw Thanks brother
Originally Posted by kenchan
hummmm.... im not a big fan of replicas as i believe in helping out the designers that deserve the funding. that said, japanparts.com can source you the ings FRP's for cheaper than the CF. 
im not fan too... but my plan its to buy a cheaper lip because my car its a daily driver and the streets here in Puerto Rico are soo fck up.... I think the moon have less holes than our streets hahahaha!!! and the other reason that I want a cheaper lip its because in the future I want a bodykit... and I like too muche the Amuse

soo for now that what I want

.... ohhh I for got my car its a 2013... and you know that I cant buy a lip with out make the fitment first lol!!! if I buy the replica Ing+1 front lip and they fit trust me im going to buy the real one but in carbon fiber