Originally Posted by JARblue
While y'all are counting the hours until the day is over, I'm counting the days until vacation. Tomorrow is my  day and the next day is my Friday
Thursday, we're off to Port Aransas for the annual family beach trip 
woo~ nice, mr.jar!

nice pict too above.
Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
well as soon I get out of my work im going to wash my car again  I don't use the car this weeken because the weather are crazy here lol!!! and today when im on the way to my job I get some rain  sooo clean my car and then go to my friend birthday 
ahh, car washing is a pita, but all worth it at the end.

happy b-day to your friend.
Originally Posted by JARblue
Ken, you should go post a picture in your #2 post of that guy's build thread - something like a racing engine photoshopped into your engine bay 
Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
well brothers were I can find the Ings+1 replica front lip??? I contact nextmod.com but I don't recive any answer from that page  I like that lip and I think that would fit to my 2013 front bumper with minor modifications... what do you think guys?? if I can fond that lip im going to buy the ebay sun line replica for 118.99  and make the fitment  you would see!!!!
hummmm.... im not a big fan of replicas as i believe in helping out the designers that deserve the funding. that said, japanparts.com can source you the ings FRP's for cheaper than the CF.