Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
I was mid-way through AC2 when my PS3 died.
AC2 was pretty good. The story was great and the mechanics were fun. My only beefs were:
-The controls got hinky now and then. Ex: for the last time NO I DO NOT WANT TO RUN UP THAT WALL GOD DAMMIT TURN LEFT YOU *** AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
-I'd spend 10 minutes stalking the guy I'm supposed to kill and carefully coming up with a way to do it only to figure out that the easiest way to kill anyone is to leap out of the sky and either impale your target or just ignore the guards and chase him down and stab the target and run away afterward.
-What was the point of all the city upgrades? Ok cool, I have money now but what do I buy with it? 2/3 of the way through the game you end up with the best armor available that doesn't require repair.