Originally Posted by AK370Z
HEy blue, thanks for the thought. He is in such critical condition, I'm really avoiding too much guest visit. I don't know if you'll believe me or not, I have ONLY allowed my mom to come see him and that's it. I am telling everyone else to wait a little until he gets better. Me and my brother are usually sitting next to him the whole time on the corner WITHOUT being in the way of nurses and doctors. The reason is to create as less interruption as possible and let them focus on him more during these critical times. Thanks a lot though! 
Hey AK,
My parents did the same thing to us when my grandmother had her heart surgery. My thoughts are with you and your family, a couple of years ago my dad had life threatening medical problems so I'm feeling your stress and worries, I keep hope for you and your father.
I'll figure something out later.
Who are you? where am I? Stop! I need an adult!
The feathers in the rear are softer than you think.