Originally Posted by Isamu
 yea, but it's holding up my work as well
That just means you're only being as efficient as they
want you to be
Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ
 Morning people in the Western Hemisphere 
Good morning LMB
Originally Posted by b15
Happy August!
Was at the Indians game last night (cheering on the White Sox) .....which turned into a group bar crawl after the game and the client left. I'm sure feeling it this morning. Not the rock star i used to be apparently. Good thing have meetings from 9-2 then a 5.5hr flight....man is it going to be a long day.

Sounds like a fun evening. However, when I do things like that these days, I make sure I can take the next day off if necessary (even though I haven't had to in several years). Hope the day and flight home aren't too miserable for ya
Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Good Morning Everyone.
Nothing worse than having to drag through a work day with a hangover. Especially when there is a flight at the end of it. Hang in there. 

Looking forward to this weekend

Tracie said she is going to ride along with me
Originally Posted by GaleForce
I know! "Summer" is almost over. 

Hi there Mr. BFG!

oh wait... I'm not in school, so I don't have three months of summer vacation anymore. Summer just doesn't have the same meaning it used to as a kid

Now the end of summer means lower engine oil temperatures
Originally Posted by onzedge
Good morning!!!
I am headed to Oroville, CA for a day of sh1ts and giggles with RCBS.
Have a great day everyone!!!

right back atcha Onz