Thread: Radar Detector
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Old 01-26-2009, 10:23 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Buying any detector today without GPS capability is akin to buying an old-style 3lb cell phone (you know the kind that looked a bit like the old WWII style walkie-talkies).

GPS technology allows you to mark (and then be reminded of) red-light camera locations...the brand new units even come with known red-light camera locations already pre-programed into the units.

Also, the Passport (and I suspect the other GPS equipped units) adjust sensitivity based on your vehicle's speed which helps filter out false alarms.

Speaking of false alarms, the Valentine seems to have no ability to filter out false alarms from automatic door openers and the like which is curious since even though they operate on the same radar ban as police radar; they actually operate on a slightly different frequency within the band so I don't understand why Valentine doesn't filter them on that basis.

I admit that I liked knowing from what direction the signal was coming from (from the Valentine) but it has nothing to do with sensitivity/range and experience will teach you how to recognize a signal from the rear anyway. Also, while a LEO coming from behind can pace you and therefore have a basis for issuing a citation; radar can't actually compute your speed - all it's good for at that point is an accurate gauge for the officer to know how fast he's going.

Any of the top detectors (in terms of range/performance in detecting the radar bands/laser) will give more than adequate warning to the driver (assuming your speed isn't ridiculous compared to the posted limit). That being the case, other features become more important...the GPS capability and the ability to filter out false alarms being two very important ones for me.
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