Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ
 Holy  late check in to the new thread!
LOL then again I was MIA all day yesterday and I don't even know where the day went  wait what day is it????? 

i was kind of amazed it was already wednesday this am.
Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Good Morning Sir! Good Morning Sleepy Heads!
Hang in there ms. pint. The night is always the darkest before the dawn. Take everyone's advice and just chill for a few days before you begin disposing of cars and other hard assets in fire sales.
I've been in exactly the same spot before and by rationally dealing with the circumstances, came out fine. I was basically out of work for nine months when a small company I co-founded got caught-up in another company's shennanigans. Still went to work everyday, but as an owner, stopped taking a pay check. That was tough.
Life is much better now, and the same will happen to you. Keep the faith, investigate every opportunity, and call on those close to you for strength.
Come take a ride with mr. JAR on Sunday and I'll buy you breakfast (disclaimer - nothing over $5, I'm not that nice!  ).
Have a good day all! 
great story and advise, mr.gurney.
Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
Hi guys and girls!!! maybe some of you don't understand the Spanish language. But I want to share something with my new family. Its an article of my last car a 2005 Subaru Impreza STI.... I own this car for 8 years but I have to sell this car to make some money to buy a house  well here are the link and I hope you like guys... If you have facebook you can follow the page its Now Ones. here are the link of the article.
ISSUU - Nowones JULIO-AGOSTO 2013 by Nowones
I miss my STi but as soon I buy the house im going to put all my mind in my 370z 
carlitos- goodluck to your new house purchase.

car guys need a house (garage) for sure. it's a great move imo.
gooodam everyone!!