Originally Posted by ZMan8
We weren't looking at any single homes because we want to avoid the responsibilities that come with one. Mostly I looked at Condos in downtown Chicago. My desires though were too $$ so we will continue on in the suburbs for now.
yah, i hate doing yard work too so i found a place where HOA contracts out.

my pops had me do a life's work of yard work at his place while i was a teen, so no more!!

he goes crazy with landscaping.
Originally Posted by JARblue
Good night everyone 
night mr.jar!
Originally Posted by XiP
What's the easiest/cleanest way to remove plastidip?
I spent 2 hours removing plastidip by hand from 3 wheels this afternoon and there's lots of patches left and I didn't do the inside of the wheels. Goo gone works for removing trouble spots but I ran out and don't really want to order more.
Is it safe to pressure wash my wheels to get it all off?
i would not use pressure wash. just do the last one tomorrow taking your time. more than anything, i think you need a break.
lessons learned, huh? i f-king hate plasti-dip.