Originally Posted by Nintensity
That's true. I know, I dug my own grave. But lesson learned.
I'm filing a Small Claims Court to him. Taking him to court never been so simple. Filed out a document and dropped it at my nearest Provincial court. Never have I done this but I'm getting the government involved in on this.
I'm really sorry to hear your situation but REALLY GLAD you're taking this scumbag to the court. This person has been to jail before for fraud (bmw forum car sale) if I recall correctly. So he is a fraud from before. Lately he started scamming people in various forums. He needs to be put behind bar.
It sickens me why in the world someone would try to scam another person for money. Well you know what they say, Karma is a bitch. I'm pretty sure it'll (karma) do it's job oneday (whether you'll be there to see it or not).
I wish you nothing but good luck in this case and please put this guy away for good (and for the community).