Originally Posted by dP3NGU1N
Couldn't care less about the price change (though I wish they'd give me a rebate -.-) but for the fact that a bunch of kids will be driving the car now.
NOW LET ME CLARIFY - I don't have anything against 18 yr olds who can somehow afford the car on merit (saved up for down payment since they were 16 or what have you, lawn mowing money... etc.) What I DO have a problem with are the entitled little ***** where mommy and daddy bought them a fast car and now their dicks are all hardon to start racing everybody.
LMAO, i am the 18 year old(19 now and turning 20 soon) who saved up enough money to put it down on the car, but i know exactly what you mean
i know a 16 year old who has a 350z daddy bought him and he acts like his **** dont stink because he has the fastest car at school
Originally Posted by shadoquad
I doubt that you will, and I doubt that price difference was a huge detractor with used, low mileage models available
maybe, i know a bunch of people who didnt even consider the 370z because of its new price(most of those people were surprised to hear that a used base 370z would go for 25k) so they might have considered it if it was in the same price bracket as the genesis coupe 2.0t, FRS/BRZ, v6 mustang, ect. brand new