Originally Posted by JARblue
I finally removed the clutch helper spring. After a short test drive, I am pleased with the result. I still plan to purchase the RJM clutch pedal assembly... some day
I am currently in the process of detailing the interiors of both cars and hoping to be able to wash and wax the Z later today or tomorrow.
Our weekends are shot because of the Z.
Originally Posted by RiCharlie
I went for a nice ride with my wife to see some sunflowers in nearby Ct. Nice drive except for the fact that..well she doesn't appreciate the 370. I had to drive real slow and put up with humiliation after humiliation as car after car passed us...the ultimate insult being passed by guy in an old truck with a ladder attached to the roof!
Younger single guys..take notice!! DON"T SAY YOU WEREN'T WARNED!
That's too bad she does not appreciate it. My wife was ok with it. In fact she challenged me we don't take it out enough. The only problem she had was the noise and the exhaust. It was too loud for her. So, I gave her a ring........uummm ring-ing in her ears

On the passenger side, there is a supply of earplugs.