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Old 07-27-2013, 05:53 AM   #164 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Leuz View Post
I'm another 13 owner who paid the old price few months ago. I have to agree that the price drop annoys me quite a bit, and what annoys me more is that when I'll decide to sell it, it'll be based basically on the value of the last 2014 model but just older (although the same car). Definitely Nissan made a smart business move in today's market, it doesn't matter the real reason they did it, but they screwed up a bunch of people or basically everyone who bought a 13 until now. So, after ranting about it.... I am serious now, What can we concretely do?
Unfortunately...not much except call and complain. Anyone know what other '14 Nissan models are going for versus this year? If it pisses off enough people and they make a call then it could turn into something. Who knows. I'll be making my call to corporate on Monday regardless of outcome. With my personality the call may go south pretty quickly depending on their immediate response.
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