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Old 07-26-2013, 06:02 PM   #146 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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Originally Posted by Magic Bus View Post
Italy3541 & Infidel. I have a '13 also, paid $37,000 otd for 6 mt, base w/sport and yes, to see the newer model year come out $4k lower is eye opening. But to blame Nissan is a bit overboard.

Here's the reality. Before the Japanese government decided to print more yen. The yen was trading at approximately 77 yen to the US dollar. The yen is now trading at 98 yen to the US dollar. So our US dollar buys a lot more today from Japan than it did 6 months ago, thus the price drop. Is that such a bad thing?

Nissan had to make a price drop, because all of the competing automakers in Japan will be lowering their prices as well. If Nissan doesn't lower theirs, where would that leave Nissan?

Was our timing good, on purchasing the Z? Maybe/maybe not. Because Italy, you mention constant buying and selling of your cars. If you were like me, you would have had to sell a car to buy the Z. I sold a G35 Coupe to buy the Z. If I had held the G35 till this year and sold it to buy a 14Z, I would have most likely received a lot less for it. Buyers on the borderline can buy new vs used cars now with the lower pricing, thus lowering the demand/value of our used cars. Plus my car would have been a year older and depreciated even more. So I'm okay with this as this price adjustment, as this is just how our worldwide economy works.

But if you guys feel the need to go after Nissan, have at it. You guys may just get me some bonus credits from Nissan
when I bought the z I did not trade anything in on it.. I just added it to my stable..

exactly, that's my point. you cant get what you don't ask for. basically yes I am upset about this. being that I do buy cars frequently and put a lot of time and effort into researching my purchases. working the deal down to the least amount that a dealer will do. I took me a month to get the deal that I got on my current z. whats got me mad is that with the price they have it at now I could have walked into any dealer and gotten the z for what I paid. no effort needed. ask some of the people on this forum who have met and know me. they know the ordeal I went threw when I started to look for another z. many long drives to different dealers just to come back with no z. I spent many weekends driving hundreds of miles to dealers who made promises on the phone then when I get there they tried to change the deal.. to make a long story short I cant count the hours I spent talking to driving to different dealers.

it was the same case when I bought my 2011 z. hours and hours spent to get the deal..

so the whole reason why I upset is that I was happy with my purchase. I got my z for what I wanted to pay. but the amount I wanted to pay was based off of the old price. the way I made my deal was simple. I get the z for a good price drive it till the new one comes out, then trade in for that one. depending on when they release it and what the cost of the new one is, I would sit good in my car. maybe not get any extra for my car but not have to roll anything..

now with the new pricing not only do I have the normal depreciation but I also have an additional $4000 that is lost. now we all now cars are poor investments. that's y I put so much work into getting a good deal. as I said before im not rich and to me $4000 is a lot of money. my whole gripe is that a car that I sat good in overnight I now sit crazy upside down.

that doesn't sit well with me. because I am a informed buyer, and I did my research, and I did the leg work to get a deal. I didn't just walk into a dealer and say I like this car sell it to me and walk out.

iv seen a ton of people say all this stuff about who cares its good that they lowered the price etc... the thing is MOST of the people saying that didn't just buy their z. its not their money that was lost. so of course its easy to say who cares and your a idiot for being mad etc... when its not your money who cares right???

im glad for the people who have the extra cash just sitting around that loosing $4000 overnight means nothing to them.. but im not one of those people.. I work my azz off for what I have. and even tho I trade cars all the time and seem to have a new car every few months, does not mean I am rich or don't care about money.

Again most of the people saying those things have had their cars for over a year and didn't have the price dropped right after they bought theirs. again its the whole thing of looking at things from the other persons shoes..

anyone who says it doesn't bother them if they bought a car then a few months later its $4000 cheaper doesn't bother them either has a ton of cash, or doesn't have a clue what its like to work hard to get something..
or lives at home and have their parents their to help them when the need it..

as I said before if I had the car for over a year and drove it daily put all kinds of miles on it, I wouldn't care about the price change at all.. im mad because I just bought it just a few months ago. I have 600 miles on it. it sits in my garage and I drive it when its nice out, mostly on the weekends..

I keep all my cars in prestine condition, partly because im OCD like crazy, and partly because I know that im quick to trade to something else.

if I still had my 2011 z I would not have even read this thread, because I would not have cared. again to repeat myself for the hundredth time its easy not to car if it didn't happen to you.

but this is a public forum and people are free to express themselves anyway they want. if people wanna think im nuts for wanting Nissan to do something then that's their opinion.. just like me wanting Nissan to do something is my opinion.

im not gonna get into a thread battle calling people stupid or whatever to help try to prove why I think something should be done. I voiced my opnion some people agree with me and a lot don't.. o well..

in the end im gonna push as far as I can to try to get Nissan to step up. I know that more than likely I will get no where. but that isn't gonna stop me from trying... you cant get what you don't ask for.. and a lot of companys bank on the fact the most people wont waste their time trying. they just take the loss.. im not one of those people..

also there is a couple of 2013 owners on here saying who cars about it etc... but if you check out some older threads these same people were asking what should they pay should they wait, they don't wanna pay to much and so on.. its funny how quickly people will change how they think if there are a number of people going against it..

also to the comments im not a true z car guy etc.. I have had more z cars than most people on this forum. and owned nissans while some of these people weren't even walking yet. I was tracking my nissans while they were still in highschool waiting to get their license.. I say to those people do a little research before you throw comments like that around..

I am a car guy, and have been one my whole life. I work on them for a living and paly with them for a hobby.. and being a car guy is the main reason why I buy so many cars... I see something new and im like man I gotta have it. so I get it, I do some work to it then something new comes out, and the whole process starts over... you don't have to only buy 1 brand of car and only that brand to be a car guy.. there are many great cars out there, and I plan on owning as many of them as I can. if I had a lot more money I wouldn't be trading these cars in for other I would just keep adding to the collection like Jay Leno. but sadly I don't have the funds to do that, so I get whats in my budget and enjoy it till I find something new that grabs my attention..

all that being said. the z was a dream car for me when I was a kid. iv had 4 280zx turbos and a 300zx, a 2011 370z and now a 2013 370z. and I will always love the z.. and as long as they keep making them I will always want to own one..

me being mad at Nissan for what they did to my current zs value does not change how much I like z cars. but it will make me look to different makes of cars for my next purchase. and make me not want to do business with Nissan anymore.

iv seen tons of people come and go in the car world. many my own friends.. all into them one day then a few years later life takes over they are married with kids and cars mean nothing to them.. im now in my 30's and my love for cars has not strayed one bit. so saying im not a true car guy or whatever was said is bull..

Last edited by italy3541; 07-26-2013 at 06:50 PM.
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