Frankly I find people complaining about the price drop pathetic. You all obviously saw the value in it in the price you paid for. I doubt most even looked at the resale value before the purchased. Not only that, but trying to get money back is even more ridiculous. So example, Italy, since he's so vocal about it; He bought his base sport Z for $32k. The retail listing is about $37k and change. If he got all the mats, mud spats, glowey Z door thing, w/e, the true market price is the average selling price of each new vehicle with those particular options. Frankly, I bought my car for $32k and change, it's a base/sport in 2011. Logic tells me, the new selling price is in line with what we both thought it should be. I don't see how anyone's argument about devaluation is going to stick. For anyone to bjtch and moan about it because they thought they got a screaming deal and loved it, to turn around and say they wanna get rid of it after it took this claimed depreciation hit, is an idiot. People doing this will only lose more money and it will not matter how "pretty" you sit, if there wasn't a hefty deposit dropped, chances you are upside down are high. Not only that, factor in the miles put on, it's pretty much guaranteed you will still be paying out of pocket. It's short sightedness of the whole picture. The way I see it, you did not buy this car "Because Race Car", because if you did, you wouldn't be complaining about the money you really didn't lose.
Old Car:GTM TSC'd 550whp / 410lbft tq @ 11.88PSI
New Car: Under Construction
