Originally Posted by JARblue
I actually purchased a pretty nice Nike putter a few years ago when I started getting my golf bag back together. However, I simply don't practice with it enough. I have good spacial visualization which should help my putting, but I tend to either rush my putting or think it over too much. The main change when I switched putters was that I'm much better about not trying to putt with my arms or muscles. I use the length of my back swing to control the speed and let the club head and gravity do the work for most putts.
yup take the arms and wrist out and let the body just pendulum and the weight of the putter takes care of the rest.
right now my bag is:
Driver - taylormade R7
Hyb - some shi
tty one that came with my starter $200 bag
Irons - titleist AP2 712 3-PW
Wedges - cleveland CG14 52 and 60
Putter - titleist scotty cameron black: blade with heel shaft