Originally Posted by Isamu
im not crapping on your build at bro! I think what you guys did is great!
and BP.. meh, my kit came first so naturally it's better
i was actually looking at using a BW Turbo for the next step... I think it was MFI.. I would have to go back an look into my notes and convos about it.. but shooting for a strong, smooth curve..
and I sadly don't have CAD.. I would probably not be screwed out of all my ideas if I had CAD. lol but I do a pretty mean PShop lol
No I know you aren't dude! Thanks.
Yeah I mean I respect BP's kit but I don't like how he came in talking...my kit this my kit that, I do this for my customers and not that. Like is this a for sale ad sir? And regardless Im pretty sure he has a bit more time into this sort of work than 2 20 year old kid so whatevs
If I had the money this build would've been a mid mount EFR 6258 Twin turbo. Luckily AAM is building a kit with those turbos so I will still get to basically see our theories on those turbos come to light.lol But yeah it would've taken like 8k to fully develop everything...This build after selling my boltons cost $2500 basically.
Patrick(boosted_MX5) uses solidworks for all of his designs. Extremely useful for a couple of homebrew builders.