Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Sadly, I'd feel more comfortable cutting a hole in the house than my front bumper.
Priorities, priorities!

Originally Posted by fonzo179
Well, I took the Z to Red Lobster yesterday and got keyed!!!!!!!!!!  WTF is wrong with people??? Whatever, I didn't plan in keeping that fender (rear driver's side) anyway.
And no, it's not rock damage. The scratches specifically begin just behind the door handle.

sorry to see this.

ive had like 6-7 cars all brand new get key'ed in the past. even my current dd which i bought new got keyed within 200miles on the odo.
this is one of the many reasons why i never take my hobby cars to the stores... cause general public are general idiots.

but remember, karma always comes around and bites the f-kers in the arse.
Originally Posted by Haboob
Got my rim back and I'm not sure I'm happy.
My other rims are dirty at the moment (keeps raining too), so I can't really say 100% that it's a different colour.
I may sit down in the garage today and clean up the rims to compare.
It was hard to tell when I took delivery, because I didn't have anything to compare it to.
hummmm... that's a tuff call, arriving at the store not having anything to compare to.. you trust people too much, haboob.
take the lead, you make the decisions for yourself, not let some dumbarse tell you wat to do.
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
Good morning guys! Thank you very much for the birthday wishes, they mean a lot to me. 

so how does it feel to be a year older?