Originally Posted by LunaZ
Found myself in a similar situation when I installed a new dryer vent in my house. Holding a Sawzall, It took many deep breaths and repeating to myself "okay, hole in house... it's gonna be okay" several times before I made the cuts to expand the pilot hole.
I know what you're going through man! 
I had a hole in my wall nearly the size of the Z less than a month after purchasing our house
I was installing a motorized TV wall mount over the fire place and running wiring for power, A/V inputs, and speaker wiring for front and center channels. However, I had help from a guy who had significant experience with his own house. BFG is absolutely right about the first cut. It's the hardest, but once it's done you just keep moving forward
I always think I can do everything myself and just lack the proper tools in many cases. However, just before I actually commit to a project, I try to go through all the steps and think about where I might have the most trouble. If necessary, I have a professional or friend already lined out to help and/or fix my mistakes just in case. With the car, I always have to be prepared for worst case because it's my DD. Working on the house isn't a big deal unless I'm screwing with major systems like electrical or mechanical for more than a few hours (just have to put up with the wife getting irritated with the construction when it takes longer than the "few hours" you originally told her
