Originally Posted by Nismo89
not sure what mines at right now. a few years ago I did some sort of body fat percentage test and it came back with 80-20 or 85-15 I forget, and they said the machine is off my 2 percent, but they didn't say whether that 2 percent was for or against me. lol
All you can do is maintain a level of physical activity and dieting and you'll eventually get to your goal.  fitness is all about the long term results.... you may not see results right away, but in the long run you will
eating healthy here is a challenge.. a) because of the island food that is delicious, but mostly because b) the chow hall food isn't what I would call th ebest for you
mostly chicken salads, tuna and eggs..
cereal sometimes as well..
I started at 26%.. I am down to 22%
yes, I know, I am a fat ***