Originally Posted by MrAurora
I wish it were so. They really are the only game in town in my area unless i want to try bringing it to another state and hope for better luck. I think part of the issue is exactly that too - they are so busy i dont think they mind tell you to take a hike. Just getting a quote on the work was like pulling teeth. Call every morning and ask again - "bob said he will call you back" - then try again the next day. Think Bob even acknowledged the lack of return calls when i finally get the bob-inator on the phone ? Nope. The Bob-ster acted like i was lucky to even being speaking with such a power wielding individual. The Bob-meister is good people tho. Real good people.
Depoint50 had to go to the next closest dealer, it's all in the effort you want to expend. Whats it worth to you?! I guess i am lucky, i have at least 4 within 75mi. They are all vying for business.