Originally Posted by synolimit
I don't get it, tank still has fuel. If the purge tank always runs dry because of the sharp turning than all you'd have to do is prime the pump a few times. Same as if you ever replaced a fuel pump before. Turn the ignition on but don't start it like 5-6 times. The pump will suck up fuel into the purge tank and fill it back up. Than you can start the car. Unless I'm missing something here! Every fuel pump I've done before is on an empty tank. When you pull everything out and dump the purge tank and swap pumps, the purge is put back in bone dry. Only way to fill it back up if fill the tank completely or prime it several times. It should be a big issue.
The problem is is that the tank has 2 chambers or a saddle so to speak. Take a hard right and all the fuel will spill over into the left saddle. The pump will sit there in the right saddle and wont be able to prime itself. It has a transfer system to suck fuel back over to the right side but as you know you need a bit of fuel on the right side to begin with to be able to get enough suction.