The oil debate could go on for days. I suggested the BMW full synthetic due to it's price for performance. It's been tested to a higher standard than off the shelf M1 and Castrol. It is a good bit cheaper as well. I've purchased enough from the local dealer they have me in a permanent discount at 6.44/qt. RP around here is nearly 13/qt, Castrol and M1 are almost 10/qt. Before my Z I drove BMW's, still service them quite a bit. After tearing into several that have used higher quality oils and lower quality oils I realized the value of a higher quality oil. Digging sludge out of engines that used Penz, Havoline, GTX with paperwork to back regular services made me start thinking. The worst was an Xterra, 46k miles with service records that took it back to 2000miles. Never over 3500miles between services and used Valvoline exclusively. Took me 2 hours to clean the sludge off the timing covers. You couldn't see the upper chain guide or chain from the build up. Anyway, choose a good quality oil if you plan on keeping the car. I like my choice, but, I put 150miles a day on my car. It's my DD and I commute 75miles each way. I go 5000miles between oil changes and I use a 9E instead of a 65F, it's slightly bigger. I put 5.25qts in, puts the mark about 1/4" below the high mark. At the end of 5k it's about 1/2" below the high mark.