Just an update on my hood issue. I had a chance this morning to take it to a paint and body shop to get an estimate on fixing the Ding in my hood and to have it painted. The estimate was just over $400 for material and labor. So I send lots pics of the fitment issues to Andy's Auto Sport and the guy didn't seem like he wanted to help and recommended me sending them ever more pics. (I think he was being a prick since I already sent them plenty of pics showing all of the flaws in the hood they sold me) At that point I told him he had enough pics and I wanted atleast half of what it was going to cost to fix. Then he told me I had 3 options.
1. Allow them to refund me the shipping cost which was $130
2. Take more pics and fight VIS on the issues
3. Send the hood back at MY cost and them charge me a 10% restocking fee
Iam so ******* pissed right now. For anyone considering ordering from Andy's Autosport I would recommend shopping elsewhere. !@#$%^&*()