umm my first Z memory would have to be when I saw DK driving the Z in fast and furious Tokyo Drift.
I was like !! What car is that?!
I did some research on google, and Found out that it was a 350Z. However, I only liked DKS because If I recall correctly, it was a nismo with some body kit or something.
Eventually I ended up on the NissanUsa Website and I discovered the 370Z!
I fell in love right away!!!
The interior seemed nice, and the exterior looked so sexy.
I would drool over the 370z when I would see one of the street ( I still do, even owning one).
At the time, I had just graduated High school, with no job, but I was excited to one day own a 370Z.
Eventually, I did get a job, and within the year I bought one

I really wanted the Gun Metal, however, my brother for whatever reason got me to want a white one instead. I would, on occasion, check listings for Z around my area to see what prices were out there. I one day, came across an Ad for a 11' w/ Sport package with only 3k Miles. I thought it was a great deal. The next day, I decided to go check the car out. I was not planning on buying it, but I just wanted to check it out for the heck of it. When I was saw it in person, it looked soooo shiny! There it was, a Magnetic Black 370Z with the sports package (which for me, was a must). Black, was not my first option but I just fell in love with it right there and then.( Funny thing is that debating between Gun metal and Pearl White, I somehow had a feeling I would end up with some other color instead).
The guy offered me to test drive it, but I told him I would pass. I came back the next day, and I then took the offer on the test drive. At first I was scared because I had never driven a sports car before, however, I was also very excited!
Test drive was awesome, and after like an hour of doing paper work the keys were in my hand!
Funny thing is that, when I was test driving the car, they had a couple that was going to test drive the car around 4. When I got back they told me they were also doing some finance paper work etc. So pretty much, whoever pulled the deal on the car first, was theirs to take. I ended up pulling the trigger first, and I could not have been any happier. The other guy, which was trying to work on a deal on the Z, was really really mad that he lost the car to me! LOL
The dealership then offered to show him some of the Dodge SRTS or whatever but he did not care for them. haha
Driving away from the lot, I had the biggest smile on my face

During the drive home, I had a guy in an STI start to wave his hand at me. At first I thought he wanted to race, I'm like "oh boyy here we go". ( I wasn't interested in racing someone, especially when I just got my car)
Anways, he was trying to signal me to roll my window down. Again, I thought he wanted to race so at first I did not bother. Eventually, I gave in. I rolled my windows down, and he said " Dude your car is soooo sickkkkk, my brother had a 350z but he wrecked it". I said, "Thankss I just got it". I then continued on my drive home.
When I got home, my sibblings did not know that I had just gotten a Z.
To make this short, I gave them all test drives woo!
The End